The premise is the same: create your avatar, build your dream house, fall in love, watch your children grow - choose your life.

NOW i do recommend the game as a quick city builder but until they add new content (alot of content) its just an extremely basic copy of every other city builder and isnt worth full price.The greatest micro simulation game is back. Harvesting trees you got to do it manually which is extremely annoying every few minutes i had to select the cut tree brush (very tiny brush) and brush over absoutly every single tree over the map which was just annoying i hope a forestry is places or an option that auto selects areas to harvest There are a other few annoyances that hopfully will be fixed a couple of these areĪutomatic repair of ships doesn't work and you have to do it manually every few minutes constantly which if you had a decent fleet like mine i just stopped bothering I'm sure they'll improve this and hopefully add real battles No instead its a tiny (but cool/but very blurry) cut scene of a fight (gets boring after a few watches) that lasts a few seconds and then you get told that either you lost or you won and how much loot you gained and how many people you lost (also when you get raided it doesnt matter how many defences you have enemies always win even if they dont get any loot they still destory your buildings and building defences and walls are pointless and waste of resources and are just cosmetics

When I saw the update talking about raids I brought the game thinking that it'll actually spawn enemies to attack my settlement and id be able to watch it also that id do the same to the settlements I get to raid Good game lacking a lot of content however and after 14 hours my settlement is absolutely huge with a pop of nearly 500 and i've literally got nothing to do anymore